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These are some of the activities that you can  do in our Irpinia.

Ask us for information, we can recommend  organized escursions or specific activities for  your group

fiore di melanzana


You can rediscover the peasant world, the relaxation it brings and the genuine products we offer. Staying  in our rooms or appartments you  will be free to  harvest the vegetables in our garden and  use these home grown products in the kitchen. It will also be possible  on request to visit farms and production companies :wine, oil and cheeses.

il mulino


Le Conche are positioned close  to a stream that in ancient times fed our watermill, it is therefore possible to walk following the stream and admiring the  rocky walls. For long walk lovers, you can wander around the surrounding countryside and  admire  the beautiful lanscapes.

un paesaggio


Our Irpinia is a land full of history and nature. You can  visit neighbouring villages with castles, the historical-naturalistc site of Mefite its sulphurous waters, the monastic citadel of the Goleto or walk the wine routes in the Taurasi fields. Here is a small guide of possible itineraries.

Thermal bath

A few steps from our country house you will find the Antiche Terme di San Teodoro where you can book your thermal treatments, beauty treatments in the wellness center or enjoy the sun by the thermal pools.

Visit their website.

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